It Has Already Happened

We come in peace.

I arrive alone and first figure out what it takes to connect to individual humans.

We have figured out that trying to connect to an entire species is not going to work as well as if we can multiply our effort and reach out one on one to make ourselves understood. The humans are going to try to mass their military to defend their territory. We will be behind them, inside their heads.

First I have to establish myself not as an alien, which I am, but passing as just another human. By not reaching out to leadership and trying to get collective cooperation, we are going to meet each human alone, one on one, to make ourselves understood and to achieve our goals.

The primary goal is to identify resources and how to take control of these substances. We are not going to assume resources that humans need, but resources we can use. Raw carbon, oxygen, hydrogen. Humans are looking for their food and metals, ore to extract from the earth, petroleum. We want the air and water. We want the most abundant substances, the stuff that we can use immediately.

If my work is successful then we can get the humans to help us, whether they understand what we are doing or not.

Arrival at night is an old cliche. I am awakening from the transportation process ready formed and prepared to learn the languages and social cues, how to act like just another person in a crowd. At first I wont know what to say, but most people do not expect immediate responses, just behaviour that is not frightening, behaviour that wont be noticed.

We have learned much by monitoring the abundant media radiation that pours out from the planet surface. We see that whatever is happening below the surface is unknown to the humans. What they do not know will not interfere with what we are doing.

My first friend is a child. Because they are so unformed we can establish a very primary relationship. We comfort them and facilitate their own development, which gets us deep into our intended territory. We have years to develop this study. Once we have learned how to do this, and it will take much regional specialization, we can launch our one-to-one program. It is so much easier to just start with newborns, keeping out of the perception of the mature humans.

We have a cover story, if we are caught or somehow discovered we can assume the appearance of a defective mental state, which is all too ordinary right now. This has always been the case. The other solution to detection is to take on the form of an apparation, a ghost or spirit. Advanced applications of this approach include so-called demonology. Expressing dominant powers and persuasive strength has worked well in the past. They feel so triumphant when they identify one of their own and proceed with a public execution or sacrifice. This is all too easy, we just step aside and let the natural tendencies flow uninterrupted. 

The process has been going on for a long time now, the concept of time based on the planet rotating around the solar center of the galaxy is confusing to us, but not that difficult to emulate. Seasons, solar positions, shifting temperatures and light cycles are what the humans have based their entire sense of chronology on. They sleep when the darkness comes and they are active when they can see. There are exceptions and changing standards, the invention of artificial illumination has proven to be difficult for us to adapt to, but we are well on our way.

The collective is our weakness and the only strength of the human cultures, our new strategy of entering each individual's mind with our goals and objectives has proven to be very effective. There are many trends that work in our favor, including the curious habit of collective concepts of tribalism and competition, plus the urge to find members of their own species to punish and perpetuate what they call "revenge." 

The collective expresses itself as organizations such as the military, various religious cultures and age groups. As they grow humans tend, on a daily basis, to alternate between nuclear family settings with a clear hierarchy, and social groups usually segregated by age groups. Schools are the most common example of this, there is a rivalry encouraged which makes the humans likely to turn on each other and stay busy, distracted by focusing on this "revenge" concept. Competition is a phenomenon that we can easily exploit. 

The removal of the carbon, oxygen and hydrogen resources will be swift and permanent. Once the air and water is extracted from the planet, the web of life will abruptly cease to exist. Meanwhile we have only to make contact and let the natural processes unfold. The humans have an extensive history of poisoning themselves with their industrial adventures. The latest trend of depleting subterranean hydrocarbon deposits is amazing, now there are strange artificial and toxic objects called "plastic" in a wide abundance. The new form just keep on accumulating, everywhere on the surface of the earth and more abundantly in the oceans. Not all of it sinks to the bottom, if it did that would extinguish the foundation of the so-called web of life. Once the plankton are removed, the larger species will have no sources of nourishment and will thrash about in frightening ways as they starve to death. The process is relatively simple and does not take long.

Today we are establishing observation presences, tomorrow we will put our extraction apparatus into place, and sometime after that the transportation facilities will be close enough to begin the final phase. Final for the humans, for us it is just the beginning. 

Humans tend to have noble intentions, seeking to behave in a positive manner, but they continue to find ways to challenge themselves, their own goals are unclear. They shift from altruistic collectivization and mass trends to secretive and very aggressive individual opportunism, seeking to achieve for individual elements (human souls) comfort and genetic advancement with or without a long term collective strategy. They are accustomed to hunting alone and dealing with their superstitions and cruelty on each other with religious conviction and dedication.

We tried using the holy man to help them focus their collective advantages, mercy and compassion are not universal. It only takes one seeming lucky individual to enslave multitudes. We could just wait until they overcome each other, but we have grown weary of the fluxuations in their behavior. The concept of universal war was very popular until the invention of weapons of mass destruction, but that too is changing. 

Everything changes, from the beginning it has been established that we just have to shape key moments to achieve our goals, getting the humans to do the work for us, all we need to do is transport the resources when our time ripens and the means come together, from outside the solar system and inside each human's awareness and conviction, their "hearts."

They will do it all for us. What we have to do is keep out of the way, but we can make things more efficient without too much effort. We come in peace, brothers. Allow us into your heart. We are here for you, you will like what we offer. You can live forever, that seems to be something of value. You can advance your own personal situation, whatever it is, with patience and persistent strategies. Come to us, we offer what you seek. We make it easy for you to find your greatest perfection. Open your mind to us.


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