The Remaining Puzzle


This newest incarnation of Music and Wonder begins with a focus on ambitious fictive modalities alone, a special emphasis on the Wonder. Music is everywhere. The constant listener finds the treasures. 

Thanks for reading!

Dixon Tower

In which I discover robots have changed my story of the bro detectives. I have been working on this for 12 years now. It is too long to read.

The Lune I See

The title has something somehow about the moon. Because of a dream I created a shelter and after the world ended, my wife and I lived there successfully, until the plague.

Typhoeus (write about what you know)

Is this music? Why must it eat the dude?

Ghost Study

Where do they come from? Where do they go?

The Automatic Writing Experiment

Epic. Endless. Never ending. I bet you wont finish it. I dare you!

My Private Sci-Fi Exodus Mythos:

A collection of stories in which the seed of humanity escapes the doom it created when it poisoned the sea and all. There are many complications, for example the many descendants of the original crew will have never experienced gravity, arriving at the new destination is going to change everything.

Episode 1 Our Cenograph

Things fall from the sky. The new conquests have begun.

Episode 2 E 13

We want to see if anybody makes it off the vessels.

Episode 3 Gather

Nature is the ultimate religion.

Episode 4 Reasons to stay at home

If I awaken, I should try staying at home sometimes.

Tour d'Horizon the first table with musically themed contents


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